Mike's Home Inspector BlogMichael Burfitt |
Mike's Home Inspector BlogMichael Burfitt |
There has been a lot of construction in the Halifax area over the past few years, with many new homes and apartment buildings opening for occupancy this year. With that hopefully comes long overdue opportunities for first time homebuyers in the market. Like any first-time buyer, when we bought our first home it become apparent that the wish list was just that, and many tough decisions had to be made to secure the home we were looking for. Unicorns Don’t Exist Despite the fact it is the national animal of Scotland, Unicorns are not real. So is the idea that you will find the perfect home. Let me dispel that myth right now: I have inspected homes of all types, and every single one is them has one thing in common: they aren’t perfect! I recently had a client who was buying an older home which could best be described as a fixer upper: as a home inspector I rightfully pointed out that while the home may not be aesthetically pleasing, the four major systems (roof, electrical, plumbing, HVAC) were all in great condition and have been well maintained. These homes are often passed over when with a little TLC they can make a great new home! Remember to Use Facts, Not Emotion I tend to be a bit animated when doing inspections, mainly because I love what I do. There is a surprising amount of subjectivity in a good inspection, which is why I am not worried about an AI takeover anytime soon. Ultimately, however, I am interested in hard facts as much as possible. I always look for Electrical: Is it grounded? Is the panel properly installed and labelled? Plumbing: Is the area known for lead pipe? Does the home use modern materials? Roof: What type of material? Are there any missing shingles or pieces? Any signs of leaks? HVAC: What type of heating or cooling system? How old is the unit? Is there evidence of proper maintenance? One of the biggest challenges as a home inspector is to balance between using past experiences and knowledge to draw from, and understanding that every home is unique. One of the best-looking roofs I ever inspected had an active leak and the worst…. did not. Same with sewer inspections: the best looking sewer line I checked was 50 years old while a 1 year old line had a partial blockage! While it can be a challenge, it is important to evaluate facts and know what your bottom line is. Don’t Underestimate Maintenance Costs
One important quality of a good home inspector is to maintain impartiality and avoid real and perceived conflicts of interest. In addition to insurance, property taxes and other fixed costs, one of the "joys" of home ownership is having to deal with system breakdowns. Plumbing leaks? HVAC not heating? Lights flickering? That’s now your responsibility and usually nobody teaches you how to do those things. My passion is helping home occupants from all walks of life live in a safe and healthy home but I especially like helping new homeowners. It motivated me in my first job as a fresh faced 16 year old and it motivates me to provide the best inspection services possible. While I did not start our home inspection company until 2021 (I wish I would have started years earlier but that’s another blog post!) my interest in homes goes all the way back to my childhood. I used to love helping my father do construction projects and got my first job at a home improvement retailer whose name rhymes with Rent. During the almost 7 years I worked at that company, I got to learn a lot about all aspects of home construction. I was lucky to have worked in almost every aisle in the store at one time or another and even spent plenty of time on home construction sites in the early 2000s (I was inside many of the homes under construction on Portland Hills Drive and Lakeshore Park Terrace in Dartmouth, for example) and got to see homes at various stages of construction but I digress. I have always loved hearing stories from long time homeowners and contractors and relished the opportunity to expand my knowledge. One thing I heard repeatedly was that, without fail, those who were working on or just completed home renovation projects commented on how they were always more expensive and time consuming than they could have ever dreamed. I heard more than one story of a DIYer getting in way over their heads and having to restart a project from scratch at great expense. Since that time, I can only imagine it has gotten exponentially worse, particularly with the explosion of home renovation shows that make renovations look like a snap! Spoiler Alert: they aren't! Tearing Out Walls – Not Just a Simple Sledgehammer
I tend to bemoan that nearly every show seems to want an “open concept” home, where many interior walls are removed. The show makes it look so easy: a few swings of a sledgehammer, a few minutes of cleanup and voila! In reality:
I am certainly not saying to never ever remove walls: in many cases this may be the best choice. However, don’t think for a second it’s a simple 1-hour job! Don’t Forget the Law It is not required to upgrade your home to modern building codes, however, if you choose to do major renovations any new work completed must meet the latest building codes. In Halifax you can refer to the M-200 bylaw, however, every town and municipality is different so check with local authorities. Plumbing, Electrical and HVAC There is a reason these professions are so expensive to hire and becoming a plumber, electrician or HVAC technician requires extensive field and classroom training: the systems involved are complex, and one mistake can be very costly. While I have done basic plumbing repairs, I always leave the big jobs for the professionals. One small error can lead to major water damage. HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning) systems require careful balancing that even skilled contractors can struggle to get right. Most homes are designed with zones and tearing down walls can cause an HVAC system to become unbalanced and inefficient. As for electrical, I consider my knowledge of electrical systems to be my strongest area as a home inspector, but I am not in any way an electrician! I know how to identify most hazards and educate home occupants, but I also know that electrical loads must be carefully balanced in a home between the two 120V service wires and would never attempt to modify the electrical system! As a homeowner, I have increased my skills in doing repairs myself (I recently did successful renovations to the front porch) but I always stop and consider if a project is beyond my skill level. Saving money sounds great until a mistake costs far more than just calling in a professional the first time. Congratulations on taking the step to becoming a homeowner! I know both as a home inspector and a homeowner (well, technically the bank still owns it, but you get the idea), owning a home is a wonderful milestone, especially in this crazy market! It also comes with its fair share of responsibilities and potential headaches that all the shiny real estate brochures tend to gloss over. As a seasoned home inspector, I've seen it all – from minor issues that could have been easily prevented to major problems that could have been costly to fix (think six figures!). To help you navigate your new role as a homeowner, here are four essential insights that I wish every new homeowner knew: Regular Maintenance Saves Money in the Long Run Many homeowners underestimate the importance of regular maintenance. Simple tasks like cleaning gutters, changing HVAC filters (furnace filters need to be replaced every 3 months), and inspecting caulking around windows and doors may seem insignificant, but they can prevent costly repairs down the line. While easier said than done, try to create a maintenance schedule and stick to it to keep your home in top condition. With the snow gone and warm weather on the way, now is the perfect time to plan out a summer maintenance schedule like I just did, and hopefully the rain will stop so I can continue to get more done. Know Your Home's Systems Understanding how your home's systems work can save you from headaches in the future. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the location of:
Know when and how to perform basic troubleshooting, and always have emergency contact information for professionals in case of major issues (trust me: emergencies never wait for your schedule to clear!). (Over) Budget for Repairs and Upgrades
Owning a home inevitably comes with repair and maintenance costs. Create a budget for both expected and unexpected expenses, including repairs and upgrades. Prioritize projects based on urgency and budget constraints and remember to set aside funds for emergencies. Being financially prepared can alleviate stress when unexpected issues arise. Spoiler from a homeowner and home inspector: repairs and renovations almost always cost a lot more than you budget for and the cheap option usually ends up being the costliest. Stay Proactive Don't wait until a minor issue becomes a major problem. Stay proactive by addressing maintenance tasks promptly and addressing any issues as soon as they arise. Ignoring small problems can lead to bigger headaches and expenses down the line. Whether it's a leaky faucet or a cracked foundation, tackle issues head-on to preserve the integrity of your home. I learned this one at an early age working at a home improvement retailer and saw the many faces of distressed homeowners who did not act proactively or tried to cut corners with cheap DIY "fixes". Being a homeowner comes with its challenges, but with proper knowledge and preparation, you can navigate the responsibilities with confidence. By staying proactive, investing in inspections (*ahem* particularly from a Certified Professional Inspector like me!), understanding your home's systems, and budgeting for maintenance and repairs, you can ensure that your home remains a safe and comfortable haven for years to come with minimal surprises. Happy homeownership! Five Golden Rings of Electrical Safety Electrical is probably the most important part of an inspection: while there is no doubt there is an issue when there is a waterfall in the kitchen or a large horizontal crack in the foundation, electrical issues can be difficult to detect by the untrained eye. Here are five that I always look for: Single strand aluminum branch circuits: Not all aluminum wiring is problematic; it's commonly used for electrical conduction due to its cost-effectiveness and lightweight nature. I also look for Knob & Tube (K&T) although it has largely been removed and replaced over the years. Inspection of Electrical Receptacles: Checking a representative sample for missing grounds, reverse polarity, and signs of arcing, such as burn marks. Reporting on the status of Ground Fault (GFCI) and Arc Fault (AFCI) Circuit interrupters: Building and Electrical Codes evolve; retroactive changes are rare. In spite of this, I always suggest updating electrical systems to the latest standards. Assessing DIY Modifications: Any signs of makeshift "improvements," like the use of extension cords for permanent power supply, are noted. System Overview: Assessing the entire system for adequate amperage, checking for undersized wires (oversizing is acceptable but wasteful), and ensuring no reasons exist for the power utility and insurance company to refuse service to the home. Six Geese-a-Laying Insulation Tips In older homes, insulation sometimes becomes an issue due to DIY attempts. While modern homes adhere to updated building codes, some retrofits fall short. For instance, in one inspection of an older brick house, the added insulation was carelessly installed, defeating its purpose. Remember, proper insulation traps air in pockets; compressing it renders it ineffective. Wet fiberglass insulation? Only fit for the trash. More insulation is beneficial, but not when compressed to squeeze more in. Seven Swans-a-Swimming in Plumbing
Plumbing installations by professionals are generally sound, but ongoing maintenance is crucial. Homeowners need to realize that sinks and drains aren't infinite voids. Disposing of inappropriate materials like baby wipes or bacon grease can lead to plumbing issues brewing for years, suddenly surfacing as household disasters. Eight Maids-a-Milking Moisture Concerns Moisture is the ultimate nemesis of homes, fostering rot, mould, and significant damage. The following proactive measures are key:
Stay tuned next week when we conclude this Christmas theme blog and look at four more inspection items. As a home inspector, I understand the paramount importance of fire safety in homes. With this week being Fire Prevention Week across North America, it's the perfect time to emphasize the significance of fire prevention and preparedness. This annual event serves as a reminder that taking proactive steps to prevent fires is crucial in safeguarding your family and property.
Why Fire Prevention Matters Each year, fire-related incidents claim lives, cause injuries, and result in substantial property damage. Many of these tragedies can be prevented through awareness and action. Fire Prevention Week aims to educate homeowners and renters alike on fire safety practices that can make a world of difference. A Home Inspection's Role in Fire Prevention I've seen firsthand how crucial it is for homeowners to ensure their properties are safe from fire hazards. During a home inspection, I assess various elements that contribute to fire safety, including:
The Two Most Common Causes of House Fires I have reviewed the data from Halifax Fire and Emergency, and it quickly became clear that the two most common causes of house fires are smoking and electrical issues. Smoking-Related Fires: Smoking is not only hazardous to your health but can also pose a significant fire risk. Carelessly discarded cigarette butts, ashes, or improperly extinguished smoking materials (especially outside the home) can easily ignite flammable materials, leading to devastating fires. To prevent smoking-related fires, it's essential to use designated smoking areas, never smoke in bed, and ensure cigarette butts are extinguished in proper receptacles. Electrical Fires: Electrical fires are a hidden danger that can lurk within our homes. Overloaded outlets, faulty wiring, and malfunctioning appliances can all spark electrical fires. To safeguard against these risks, it's crucial to have regular electrical inspections, avoid overloading outlets, and replace damaged cords or equipment promptly. Maintaining a safe electrical system is vital to protect your home from the devastating consequences of electrical fires. Many electrical fires can be traced to extension cords. These are generally okay for temporary use but are not meant to be used for permanent power. If a home doesn’t have adequate receptacles an electrician can usually help safely add more to a home. Home inspectors and firefighters both share a common belief that the best way to deal with a disaster at home is to prevent it from happening in the first place. During my elementary school years, I had a routine on school days: the bus arrived at around 8:15am so if I wanted to watch a cartoon before school, I had to get up at 7:30am and for years, since I grew up in the 80s with only a handful of channels, the only kid’s show on TV at that timeslot was Inspector Gadget. For those not aware, the show is about a dimwitted cyborg detective who has hundreds of gadgets installed in his body and somehow, someway manages to always save the day despite his ineptness. Did I mention that the show was partially created right here in Halifax as well? No, I am not a dimwitted inspector, but I couldn’t help but notice the parallels to my own set of tools, many used only for obscure situations. Sadly, mine are not built in but today’s blog post covers some of the more common tools I, and most skilled home inspectors, use on most inspections. Let's take a look at these one by one. Sewer Scope
One of my newer tools, I started offering this service late last year. It is a pretty simple setup, with a camera on a very long cord. However, it is a little more complicated to use, and knowing how to avoid getting it stuck in a sewer system is an area I studied very carefully. Thermal Camera The most expensive but also most valuable piece of equipment. While it does not provide X-ray vision it does provide valuable assistance in seeing things the naked eye cannot, usually related to moisture issues or poor insulation. There is a lot to know about how to use a thermal camera properly and they can actually DECREASE the quality of inspections if used improperly. Moisture Meter That tiny little unit in the middle is used for detecting the % of moisture in a particular substance, most notably drywall and wood. In my experience, a cheap unit like this works just as well as an expensive one and all homeowners should pick one up. They should also buy a... Electrical Tester While not 100% reliable, these plug in units can usually tell if an electrical receptacle is properly polarized and grounded. Lately, I have tended to avoid using this until later in the inspection to confirm what I already know through inspecting the main electrical system. Extendable Magnet Not only great for picking up loose screws that drop, another great use of this is to determine if a metal is ferrous (contains iron) or not. Using this on older pipes can also confirm the presence of lead supply lines, although luckily they are relatively rare in Halifax. Drone I remember my very first inspection having to scramble to see the roof due to the home's very tall design. I did manage to rig something together but put a drone on my wish list. I eventually went and added it to my toolkit and wonder how I ever inspected without it. A great tool to not only see onto tall roofs but also to provide valuable aerial shots and look for big picture issues. The bonus is on quiet days like the day I wrote this I can capture some breathtaking natural beauty in ways we have never seen before. 4" Basketball (!?) You might wonder what the point of this is and if I am planning on taking a sports break during inspection. The answer is in the size: 4". My then 2 year old didn't have much interest in this particular ball but I couldn't help but notice it was exactly 4". In other words, a properly installed railing should have balusters no more than 4" apart. No need to pull out a tape measure when this ball does the trick: if it falls through the balusters are too far apart. Of course it goes without saying that the #1 tool is an inspector's senses, particularly their eyes and brain. All the fancy tools in the world are pointless without the skills and knowledge to know when to use them and more importantly when not to. I am now entering my third year running an independent home inspection company and what a fun ride it has been! I can now confidently say that every home is different, no two homes are alike and one of the most exciting parts of being a home inspector is discovering something new. It is always fun to see a unique feature of a home and to see things that we previously have only seen during training.
However, there are some things that are the same on every inspection and while no two inspector’s skill or background is the same there are some things every inspector should know. It always comes off as a shock when I tell clients that there are zero home inspection regulations in Nova Scotia, and anyone can legally call themselves a home inspector in a week or two. Here is a sample of some questions a home inspector should be able to confidently answer after every inspection. Does This Home Have Concerning Electrical Issues? While we are not electricians, home inspectors should be able to detect most major electrical issues. They include:
What Are the Major Plumbing Materials? Most homes I inspect use copper pipe to bring service in from the street, cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) for distribution and plastic, and either ABS (black) or PVC (white) for wastewater. An inspector should be aware of materials that may or may not be a concern such as:
Does The Home Have Potential Water Infiltration Issues? There is a common phrase I use which is “water is the #1 enemy of homes” and biggest concern I get called about is moisture and the damage it has caused. A home inspector should know that water has many ways to enter a home and some of the many signs of water damage. Like many home inspectors, I use a number of tools as well as all my senses to look for signs of either active or potential water infiltration into the home. While we don't have X-ray vision and leaks can be very difficult to detect, a home inspector should be aware of the various ways unwelcome ways water can enter a home. These are just some baseline areas that all home inspectors should be able to confidently speak of. While we are generalists, not specialists we should have a strong enough knowledge to identify the majority of home defects. Your inspector should answer these three questions either verbally or in a report. |
January 2025
Inside Edge Home Inspections Ltd.
Halifax, NS 902-209-9921 [email protected] Proudly Serving the HRM & Central Nova Scotia |